Saturn IV
Hyperion Facts
- Hyperion is the sixteenth of Saturn's known satellites:
- distance from Saturn: 1,481,100 km
- diameter: 286 km (410 x 260 x 220)
- mass: 1.77e19 kg
- Pronounced "hi PEER ee en".
- In Greek mythology Hyperion was a Titan, the son of Gaea
and Uranus and the father of Helios.
- Discovered by Bond and
Lassell in 1848.
- Hyperion is the largest highly irregular (non-spherical) body in
the solar system. Proteus is quite a bit larger
but is almost spherical.
- Like most of Saturn's moons, Hyperion's low density indicates that it is
composed of water ice with only a small amount of rock.
- But unlike most of Saturn's moons, Hyperion has a low
albedo (.2 - .3) indicating that it is
covered by at least a thin layer of dark material. This may be material
from Phoebe (which is much darker)
that got past Iapetus.
- The Voyager images indicate that
Hyperion's rotation is chaotic, i.e. its spin rate and orientation is
completely unpredictable. More recent analysis, however, suggests that there
may be a more regular 13 day rotation period.
- Hyperion's odd rotation may account for the fact that Hyperion's surface
is more or less uniform, in contrast to many of Saturn's other moons which
have distinctly different leading and trailing hemispheres.
- (above) Hyperion
8k gif;
20k gif;
5k jpg
7k gif
- Hyperion, moon of Saturn, small image
134k gif
- Hyperion, moon of Saturn, closer image
134k gif
- Hyperion, moon of Saturn, closest image
116k gif
More about Hyperion
Open Issues
- Why is Hyperion's rotation so peculiar? Why is it not synchronously locked
like the rest of Saturn's moons? Is it related to Hyperion's irregular shape?
- Hyperion's orbit is somewhat eccentric. Do the other small irregular
moons (for which we have little or no data)
with eccentric orbits also rotate chaotically?
... Saturn
... Titan
... Hyperion
... Iapetus
Bill Arnett; last updated:
1995 July 12